Conference information

Dear Attendees of the Payments Drift Forum 2016,

The Payments Drift Forum team would like to thank all who attended the PDF conference on September 8-9, 2016 at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. We wish to thank you all for contributing to the success of the event. Your enthusiasm and positive spirit helped make our time together both productive and fun. We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile.

We appreciated very much the speakers who provided such meaningful content. If it were not for you such a valuable conference would not have been possible.

We thank our partners and patrons for supporting us and helping make the event a success.

We hope to see you all at the next conferences at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw.

Conference Organising Committee

If you wish to view photos from the event please look at gallery

The slides of presentations from the conference sessions are available here.

Thought-provoking, informative, up-to-date and exciting.

Such will be the Payments Drift Forum (PDF)!

A two-day event intends to gather academics, business professionals and policy makers from Poland and Europe.

Payment habits used to change slowly. However FinTech industry has triggered disruption which is now transforming the payments landscape in Europe and worldwide rapidly. The process has lately been fueled by the Pan-European legislation – the revised Payment Services Directive and the Interchange Fee Regulation.

The leitmotif of the conference converges with a title of the book “Transforming Payment Systems in Europe” written by academics and professionals from public and private institutions in five countries (Belgium, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Poland).

The Payments Drift Forum (PDF) is targeted at all those who are open-minded, wishing to widen up their horizons and exploit networking opportunities.

It is not easy to master the art of drifting. Therefore the best-in-field European experts will sit behind a driving wheel of the payments car.

If you wish to participate in the event, feel the payments drift vibe, meet researchers, experts, regulators, FinTech companies, engage in hot-topic discussions and learn about new phenomena, strategic concepts and fundamental issues regarding payment systems please register here.

PDF key words cloud: mobile payments, m-wallet, XS2A, IoT, cash, cards, cashless, paperless, Big data, social media, blockchain, decentralised network, business platforms, FinTech, PayTech, interchange fee, API, interoperability, standardisation, security, identity, authentication, real-time, nudges, IBAN/IPAN, 1-click buy, PSD2, IF Reg, e- m- and u-commerce, ATM, wearables, digital